Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Solstice: A Say Something Hat Day

I had decided to spend this Solstice meditating and focusing on the positive things I would like to see more of in my future… Such as being surrounded by love. So, I got up with the sun and I celebrated the day. 

I started by making myself a flower crown with love, and flowers from my yard. I found that starting my day by making something for myself with the love and care I normally reserve for others really helped me realize just how little I do to show myself that I love me. 

I made this with Bougainvillea, Sunflowers and some fine, green, elastic like ribbon. 

I closed both ends of the Bougainvillea vine with a green elastic-y ribbon, then I wrapped my hair over to give it more of a bohemian vibe. 

Everyone I ran in to complimented me on this headpiece and I have never had so many people in LA smile at me. I felt like I was back home in the bay area again! One little girl I met even thought I was a fairy. It was truly amazing to see how something I made to help me receive more love and kindness from others, and myself, get such an immediate response. 

I have total faith that this was a turning point in attracting people that only care when it's convenient, or worse, don't care about anyone. 

Now, let's hope we see this Summer start bringing the love.